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Getting Back into Events After Summer: A Guide to Reigniting Your Social Calendar

As summer fades and the cooler months roll in, many find themselves emerging from a season of relaxation and downtime, ready to dive back into the vibrant world of events.


Whether you're a seasoned event-goer or someone looking to rekindle your social life after a summer hiatus, this guide will help you transition smoothly and make the most of the upcoming event season.

 1. Reflect on Your Summer Break
Before jumping into your calendar, take a moment to reflect on your summer. What did you enjoy most? Did you miss attending events or connecting with others? Understanding your feelings about the summer break will help you identify what you want to get out of your upcoming social engagements. This reflection can shape your event choices, making your post-summer season more intentional and fulfilling.

2. Rebuild Your Network
Summer can be a time of disconnection, as many people go on holiday or take time off. Reconnecting with your network is a crucial first step in getting back into the event scene. Start by reaching out to friends, colleagues, or industry contacts you haven’t seen in a while. Social media platforms like LinkedIn or Facebook can be excellent tools for re-establishing connections. A simple message expressing your interest in catching up, can open the door to new event opportunities.

3. Update Your Calendar
After months of laid-back summer schedules, it’s time to reintroduce structure. Begin by checking for upcoming events that align with your interests. Whether it’s industry conferences, networking mixers, concerts, or art exhibitions, make sure to mark your calendar with events that excite you. Planning ahead can help you avoid the overwhelm of a packed schedule and ensure you’re attending events that truly matter to you.

4. Set Personal Goals
Attending events can be more meaningful when you set personal goals. These goals can range from expanding your professional network, learning new skills, or simply having fun. By setting specific intentions, you’ll be more focused and get more out of each event. For example, if your goal is to network, challenge yourself to meet at least three new people at each event. If you’re looking to relax and enjoy, focus on finding events that offer a unique experience.

5. Rebuild Your Confidence
If you’ve taken a break from socialising, it’s natural to feel a bit rusty or anxious about jumping back in. Start with smaller, low-pressure events to ease back into the social scene. Casual gatherings or small networking meetups can help rebuild your confidence before tackling larger, more demanding events. Remember, everyone is in the same boat—many people are also returning from their summer breaks, so don’t hesitate to reintroduce yourself and start afresh.

6. Embrace Hybrid and Virtual Events
While in-person events are making a strong comeback, hybrid and virtual events remain a significant part of the event landscape. If you’re not quite ready to dive into crowded spaces or prefer the convenience of online interactions, explore virtual events that can still provide valuable networking opportunities and content. These events often offer more flexibility, allowing you to ease back into the event scene without leaving your home.

7. Stay Organised
As your social calendar fills up, staying organised becomes crucial. Use tools like event apps, planners, or digital calendars to keep track of upcoming events, RSVP deadlines, and any prep work needed beforehand. Staying on top of logistics ensures that you won’t miss out on important opportunities and helps reduce the stress of a busy schedule.

8. Take Care of Your Well-being
Jumping back into events after a laid-back summer can be exhilarating but also exhausting. Remember to balance your event schedule with time for self-care. Prioritise sleep, healthy eating, and downtime to recharge. By maintaining your well-being, you’ll be better equipped to fully enjoy and engage in each event you attend.

9. Embrace the New Season
As you re-enter the world of events, embrace the new season with a fresh perspective. Whether it’s attending festivals, holiday parties, or professional conferences, let the excitement of a new season inspire you to explore different types of events and broaden your horizons. Be open to new experiences and connections—they often lead to unexpected opportunities and memorable moments.

10. Evaluate and Adjust
Finally, as you begin attending events, take time to evaluate your experiences. Are they meeting your expectations and helping you achieve your goals? If not, don’t hesitate to adjust your approach. Maybe you need to prioritise different types of events, or perhaps focus more on quality over quantity. Regularly assessing your event experiences ensures that your time and energy are well spent.

To conclude...

Getting back into events after the summer can be both exciting and challenging. By reflecting on your summer, setting personal goals, staying organised, and taking care of your well-being, you can seamlessly transition into the new season of events. Embrace the opportunities ahead, reconnect with your network, and make this event season your most fulfilling yet. Whether it’s professional growth, socialising, or simply enjoying new experiences, the post-summer event season has something for everyone.

Have a lovely day!
Love, Katy x

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